So who is this Tabitha?


Tabitha is the protagonist in my novel Keeping Tabs. She’s the heroine, the star!

And she’s all of us.

We are all the protagonist, the heroine, the star, of our own lives!

Here are the main points of the novel:

  • Tabitha has resigned herself to a life of mediocrity with small escapes.

  • But suddenly she is forced to reassess her whole life.

  • Will she cave in to the men in her life, those who seem to be controlling her?

  • Or will she grasp the opportunity offered to her to live her dream?

  • One event drives inexorably to the next as she feels her resolve growing, finding support where she thought she had none.

As we watch Tabitha struggle, there is so much we can learn! The traps we tumble into regularly, belittling ourselves and our undoubted gifts; fitting in with others instead of standing up for our own ideas; speaking our truth regardless of how it may be received.

I wrote this book with a fervent desire to help all those Tabithas out there who need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, re-assess their lives and what they can bring to the world, and free themselves from outdated and false ideas - ideas they may have been believing all their lives!

So many of us are bogged down by lack of confidence in our own abilities. We think there is nothing we can contribute - that we’re simply “not good enough”.


But each one of us is different. We each have unique gifts. We really are snowflakes! And just because we may think we aren’t as popular or capable or knowledgeable or able as people we read about or see on television, doesn’t mean we don’t have something very special to offer.

If only ONE other person in the world could benefit from what you can do, wouldn’t that make it worth going for? And if one person could benefit, there are going to be many others.

Your people are out there, waiting for you. They need to hear you, to be inspired by you, to learn to believe. You just have to go and find them!

And find yourself into the bargain.




It’s never too late!


“It’s so hard”