Don’t you dare give up on your dream!

If you’ve had a dream all your life which has been shelved - you’re not alone!

As a child I always wanted to work with animals. My favourite magazine was a fairly erudite broadsheet, All about Animals, which my father would bring home for me once a month.

Would I be a vet? A naturalist? A showjumper? I had no idea.

But I was sure that was where my future lay!

Showjumper? Well, when I was aged 9 I was getting my dog to do agility in the back garden - 20 years before the sport was invented! This should have given me a clue …

But you know how it is - my parents did not approve. They wanted me to get a nice job, meet a nice husband, settle down, rear a family … They thought working with animals meant being a stable-hand, mucking out horses for other people. They didn’t have MY imagination!

And school was as bad, only they wanted me to study and go to university - academia all the way!

Is that you, perhaps?

Did you have your life organised by others?

Do you feel you were bowled along on someone else’s path?


Kicking over the traces

It was only when I grew up a bit and kicked over the traces that I ended up on my true path - after many diversions!

Diversions into music, broadcasting, art, stonecarving, design, university, maths, goatkeeping, cheesemaking, child-rearing, and finally - writing, dog training, and coaching!

So I do understand our lives can sometimes take a circuitous route!

But it all hangs together to make YOU.

All those things I did made ME.

It’s YOUR life

The only person who should decide what you do with your life is … YOU!

Do you get this? It’s critical to having a happy and fulfilled life! That you should be the one who makes the decisions.

Yes, parents and friends mean well. They may have your best interests at heart - or they think they do.

Maybe they don’t though? Maybe they’re only thinking of their own best interests … Give that one some thought.

Maybe they’re afraid you’ll outgrow them, or cause trouble they’ll need to bail you out of!


As a Transition Coach, I love to see clients finding their own way at last, and forging a vibrant future all on their own with less anxiety and more joy!



Who’s always there for every minute of your life? 

The thing is,

  • Who’s the ONLY person who’s going to live your life?

   •  Who’s going to be there with you every step of the way?

   •  Who’s always there, at the scene of the crime?


It’s YOU of course!

So who on earth else should decide what you want to do in this exciting life of yours?

Can you see how fitting in with others’ whims and desires can lead you way off-course, as it did with me?



If I had followed my early dream, and got support to do that instead of the negativity - I could have helped hundreds of thousands more people during my life! 

Now I’m not saying I wasted my life! Of course not. Everything I’ve done and experienced has gone into the making of ME.

Got that? That everything we live makes us who we are?

And I like to think that I’m all the better at what I do because of the life I have lived. 


That dream!

But the point is, I had a dream. As a child I knew what I was here on this planet to do - and I ignored it.

I buried the dream and let others dictate my life. UNTIL the glorious day when I’d had enough, listened to what the Universe had been trying to tell me all along - and got on with it!

I had, in fact, been working with and enjoying animals - all the time - while my main focus and money-earning efforts were elsewhere - then I seriously moved into my destiny!

And I aligned my passion with my revenue.


In the Brilliant Family Dog Trainer Business Program, coaching focuses the students on turning their initial dream into REALITY! A bright, shining reality where they fulfil their promise.


Is that what you’re going to do? Become who you’re meant to be?

Want a helping hand? Click here and have a chat with me.




Do you worry about other people’s opinions?


What have you achieved so far?