Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

How to attract YOUR audience

I was looking at our perception of marketing last time, and I promised you some ideas: here you go!

One proven method to reach the people who are looking for you is to offer some sort of “try before you buy” …

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

To gain you have to give!

When I started my own business I had no idea what marketing was. I had no idea what I should be doing to attract the people who were ALREADY looking for me!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Do what you can with what you have from where you are

I was talking previously about how you may feel - for all sorts of endless reasons! - that you’re not ready to follow your dream and embark on the life you really want for yourself.

The fact is - as I will show you! That you ARE ready! really and all you have to do is

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

The emotions behind those fears

You see, fear is simply an emotion. It's something you feel in your body because of something you think in your head! It doesn’t come from nowhere. Something happened that made you think something and that thought produced fear in your breast. As a species we’re very suggestible!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

“I’m afraid to try something new!”

They say they want something to happen. They’re passionate about what they want to do. They tell me they have the qualifications, maybe the experience as well - and they certainly have the desire.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

So how do you find these lovely clients?

Your goal is to serve the people who are ready and LOOKING for you! 

They often watch quietly from the sidelines.

They’re not the ones who are always liking and sharing posts, and writing long comments. 

They are often lurkers watching to get their opinion of you confirmed before taking the leap.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

How to find the right sort of client for your business!

When I started my business, I was desperate for clients!

You may relate to that. I tried this, and I tried that - and while I got enough clients to make my business viable I was always making concessions Kowtowing to them perhaps BEGGING them to sign up!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Taking the leap!

I hope you’ve given it some serious thought, and you’ve realised that - YES! - You can do it!

But just before you cast caution to the winds and hurtle ahead, be sure you get the support you need to get started.

For any enterprise you care to imagine, there’s a support network out there waiting for you to plug in and get help. Sometimes there are government agencies, college courses, local enterprise programs.

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Apple Laureta Apple Laureta

An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 3

Having learnt all that it meant I was better able to focus on my client rather than be worrying about what to do next! Worrying whether I was good enough!

 These feelings of insufficiency are crippling and unnecessary!

Why waste so much time when you could be out there doing the thing you love?

Helping others with their problems by showing them how to solve them. Feeling satisfied with your life spending time with the thing you’re passionate about!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Decision time!

So last week I was talking about the deflation you can feel when you have this fantastic, brilliant, world-changing, idea … and you don’t know how to even start.

Check out the important first and second steps from last week, and jump into your third step here!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

I don’t know where to start!

“I don’t know where to start!” I hear this all the time.

People with the greatest intentions, the greatest plans, fantastic ideas! And they stop themselves because … “I don’t know where to start.”

Now these people aren’t stupid! Of course they’re not. They’re capable, able people. People who’ve usually been earning their own crust for many years …

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Do you worry about other people’s opinions?

You would not be unusual if you do!

You tell folk about your grand plan, and instead of congratulations and huzzahs, you get a stream of cold water!

But when you take a closer look at this, just how much are those opinions worth?

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Don’t you dare give up on your dream!

If you’ve had a dream all your life which has been shelved - you’re not alone!

As a child I always wanted to work with animals. My favourite magazine “All about Animals” which my father would bring home for me once a month.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

What have you achieved so far?

I want you to focus on your good points, Yes - you have good points! We all have good points. Sometimes they get a bit buried In the hustle and bustle of daily life but they are there and you want to be sure to give them expression as often as you can.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Moving your business forward - just as you want it!

We start our new business idea with such great enthusiasm!

We KNOW this is going to be the best thing ever.

We have an irresistible offer, We have all the knowledge we need, We KNOW we’re good at what we do.

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