How to find the right sort of client for your business!

When I started my business, I was desperate for clients! You may relate to that 😉

I tried this and I tried that - and while I got enough clients to make my business viable, I was always making concessions - kowtowing to them, perhaps begging them to sign up!

And of course, that’s no way to run a profitable business: it should be the other way round!

You want them to be begging to work with you!

So I found myself in a situation where I was working hard - but not very smart! You may be familiar with that feeling …

I worked at this, and found out what worked for me, and my business, to get the right kind of client: the client who wanted ME and what I could offer and - critically! - who was prepared to pay for it! 

I don’t want you to do what I did and wander down the wrong path. Always fitting in with everyone else  instead of forging your own path!

What you want is the right quality of client who wants what you have and will pay your price without demur. You need to know how to attract these lovely people! People who will make your business successful and rewarding and your days a pleasure. So I want to clear up some misbeliefs straight away 


YOU are not your audience!

Think on that!

If you’re a dog trainer, for example, you have all the dog training knowledge and you know what’s best for your client and their dog - but they don’t! They’ve been watching the telly, listening to old wives’ tales, and they think they know what they need.

But they don’t!  

It’s no good putting out advertising, marketing, content on your site, that appeals to you as a dog trainer because you are not your audience. This is something I go into detail on in my programs and it makes a huge difference to the outcome. You may not like classes, but they may do. You may prefer to work out of doors because it’s cheaper but they want shelter!

You need to know who you’re talking to so you can match your message to the people you want.

Trying to match competitors’ prices is not going to cut it you are going to be offering something quite distinct from them. And beating yourself up and thinking it’s all your fault that you’re not getting the right people (hello Impostor Syndrome!) is not in any way useful.

The real problem is not you. It’s that you’re not supported.

Perhaps you’re trying to work against your own better judgment, your own values and beliefs. If you’re out of alignment, your offerings are going to sound false.

Next time I’ll be going into detail on how you can find these wonderful people who are begging to work with you.

Yes - they’re out there!


And meanwhile, if you would like to find out what we can do together to make your dog training business successful fast - even if you have as yet no experience - check out this special training that will get you on the right track faster than you may imagine!


I look forward to hearing from you, very soon!


So how do you find these lovely clients?


Taking the leap!