An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 3

3. I Realised I was ready!

(For Parts 1 and 2 of this mini-series, start here.)

So, slowly but surely, the realisation dawned on me -

😊 That I COULD help people.

😊   That I DID know enough.



Now I’m not for one moment saying that you shouldn’t learn! If you want to lead others you should study and know what you’re doing!

But what I am saying is that there comes a stage when you know enough to start helping people.

If it’s carpentry, you’ll be starting with simple projects - like shelves - rather than accepting a commission for inlaid marquetry!

You can pass those difficult requests on. And it was quite a while before I felt sufficiently experienced and knowledgeable to take on aggression and reactivity cases.

But I was able to help people with basic issues very early on, and gradually as I gained experience working with the simpler cases - I was learning how to handle the more complex ones.


And in learning how to do all the things connected with running a business -


👉 Marketing, exposure,

👉 Fielding enquiries,

👉 Converting those enquiries into paying clients,

👉 Systems for record-keeping,

👉 Payment processing, 

👉 Calendar management,

👉 Time management

👉 Booking systems … and all the rest!


Having learnt all that it meant I was better able to focus on my client rather than be worrying about what to do next! Worrying whether I was good enough.

These feelings of insufficiency are crippling and unnecessary!

Why waste so much time when you could be out there doing the thing you love?

Helping others with their problems by showing them how to solve them. Feeling satisfied with your life, spending time in the thing you’re passionate about!

You can have the very best of intentions but get totally bogged down and stuck in indecision.

You think you’ll never be ready and - you know what? - if that’s what you think … that’s how it’ll be!

You’ll never be ready.

You need the learning but experience will make you a good dog trainer (or carpenter, or accountant …)

You need to get on that bike! You need to know that you’re ready, that you’ve aimed and FIRE!


Have you been stuck on ready, aim? Is it time to FIRE? 🎯

It may be that you need a simple nudge to show you what you’re capable of! And this is what students in my Brilliant Family Dog Business Training Program have - they get ACCOUNTABILITY. 

I give them the work and it’s up to them to do it - and they do! 


See what one student said recently:

“I hope you don't mind me saying but when we had our initial phone call and you said that I could have my dog training business up and running in 8 weeks, I must confess I thought you were a little mad. But now, 7 weeks in, I have my website published, my social pages active, my business requirements all met - and my first clients!”


Do you want to pursue your passion? Then you should! It’s easy to learn from someone who’s already done it. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel yourself!

You don’t have to do it alone.

If you want to know the details of how to get this going give me a shout and I can share with you exactly how I help people put Impostor Syndrome back in its box and then, critically! how to increase their revenue without increasing their outgoings and their stress! 


Missed Parts 1 and 2? Here you go …



Do you want to work for yourself?


An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 2