An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 2

 2. So what did I do?

[You can catch up with no.1 in last week’s blog post)

Having thought I wasn’t good enough, and harbouring guilty feelings about it, I doubled down on learning I put my head down and studied.

“I’ll never actually TEACH anyone,” I said to myself, but I do want to know more.

So I took courses, I got qualifications - certificates and titles, like my competing dogs had! I read ALL the books again.

I went to more seminars and weekend programs. I did spend a lot of money on this, now I think about it! But it was money well-spent.

All money for learning is well-spent -  that should go without saying!


It was an investment!

Now I thought it was just an investment in my life with my dogs - but it turned out to be a solid investment in my future. The future which is now my present, and which I’m now sharing with thousands of people round the world!


Thing is, I was stuck in 

Ready aim …

Ready aim …

I never got to the FIRE! 🎯


So what happened was that people saw how I was doing and they wanted a piece of it.

So, without even trying I started to teach people. The local dog club invited me to run programs. People asked my advice and WOW! I found I could help them!

And this is where I gained that vital experience of actually DOING the thing. Not talking about it, Not learning about it But DOING it - teaching people.

When you learned to ride a bicycle did you read books about bicycles? Did you study diagrams of bikes? Did you go on courses? No! 

You just got on the thing! You wobbled and you fell off. You rubbed your knees and got on again - and in no time you were racing about with your friends enjoying the freedom and fun of your bike.

This is how we learn.

We learn by doing

We can carry on studying till the cows come home … but it’s in the DOING that we achieve what we want, so we may help others. 

Studying is Part the First. Part the Second is the important bit! And that’s when you PRACTICE what you’ve learnt!

And whatever your chosen subject is, if it’s something you love and spend a lot of time on, you know a lot too. You can help people: you know more than they do!

Do you get this? That if it’s your passion project, you inevitably know so much more than so many others?

Just reflect on that for a moment …

It’s a big thing I get to work on with clients in my Transform your Business coaching program - that they gain the confidence to do what they are born to do!

And you can too - give me a shout and we can look at where you are and what experience you need next.

Meanwhile catch up on my first point in last week’s blog, and look out for my conclusion next week.


An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 3


An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 1