Moving your business forward - just as you want it!

Last week I was talking about the key points to get your business going fast - Starting, and Assessing once you’ve got to grips with those, there’s another key point:

3 Pivot

Now one of the key things about your business is that you have to keep moving. Your business plan should not be carved in stone!

Einstein said,

“Life is like riding a bicycle: to keep your balance, you must keep moving." 

Love that! 

Stand still and you wobble off, or put a foot on the ground and stay static, and that’s what you need to avoid in your business too. Keep moving!


As a Transition Coach I love to help people make the moves they need to bring themselves into a new and rewarding phase of their life.

Fashions change. Life changes.

Look at 2020, for heaven’s sake! We could never have foreseen the changes that happened then, and you need to adapt with it. People who spotted the opportunities and jumped in fast did very well even in those trying new times.

These internet johnnies - who made virtual meetings so valuable, special health equipment, scientists … Those who had their eyes open managed to - not just survive the pandemic - but benefit their business hugely from it. And of course a business won’t work unless it’s providing a needed service to others. 

Not talking scams here! I’m talking about serving a genuine need. So you may need to lift your head and look around you.

What was working two years ago maybe is not so hot now?

What you enjoy doing most is perhaps not bringing you the most revenue - and this is where you PIVOT! That simply means you head in a slightly different direction.

Remember that PIVOTING is a forward step. It’s not a sign of failure, or that you previously made a bad choice. It’s a sign that you are GROWING! 

While you want to have a pretty clear idea of what you want, even if you’re not clear on the detail of how your business may look, then be sure you know how you want to FEEL!


Keep telling yourself you are strong. Be your best cheerleader

If you want to know the details of how to do this, give me a shout here and I can share with you exactly how I help people - ensuring they avoid the dead ends, helping them get their marketing in place, and then - critically! - how to increase their revenue without increasing their outgoings and their stress! 


What have you achieved so far?


Do you feel your business is moving fast enough?