Do you have a mentor or are you re-inventing the wheel?
Now I don’t know if you’re like me, but when I started out on this path, I thought I could do it alone.
I’d got the qualifications - I worked really hard to get high grades! - so I could feel confident that I knew what I was talking about. And like with so many dog training programs, I learnt loads about how to train a dog.
I was good at it! I knew what I was doing! But the problem was - I had to find dogs to train.
Hmmm… And that’s where I came unstuck.
I knew I knew what to do once I got a dog to work with! But finding those dogs … that was the problem. And of course, understanding that it was actually the owners I needed to find - the dogs kinda came along with them!
But it was the owners who had to put up their hands. That was a bit of a revelation for me - dumb though it sounds now! - it’s the owners who have the credit cards!
Is this you? Have you got everything ready to launch yourself onto your neighbourhood dogs - but you’re not sure how to do it?
Impostor Syndrome
It was then that the Impostor Syndrome hit.
If I wasn’t ready, willing, or able to attract people to bring their dogs to me, then perhaps I was no good after all …
This is batty thinking, I’m sure you’ll agree! It’s true to say that nothing has any meaning except the meaning you give it. I want to say that again to be sure you get it!
Nothing has any meaning except the meaning you give it.
It’s all in our heads!! And the meaning I chose to give my lack of progress was that I was no good at the one thing I actually was good at!
In reality the meaning I should have given it was the true one: that while I had the ability to train the dogs, what I was lacking was the ability to gather them in!
So at last I came to this realisation - which I eventually did - you can’t live in delusion for too long …especially when there are children to feed and bills to pay.
And also if you’re stuck as I was at the time in an irksome job which was draining me rather than filling my well! I know a lot of people who come to me are beginning to realise that the career they’ve been following up to now is actually making them ill instead of enriching their lives - it’s destroying them.
And it’s one of the joys of being a Transition Coach that you see people’s health and vitality restored, their purpose in life renewed, their coats shiny and their tails waving, as it were!
Are you stuck in the wrong place?
Dying to move forward to pursue your passion?
Why wait?
I’m going to continue this journey with you next week.