I don’t know where to start!
“I don’t know where to start!” I hear this all the time.
People with the greatest intentions, the greatest plans, fantastic ideas! And they stop themselves because … “I don’t know where to start.”
Now these people aren’t stupid! Of course they’re not. They’re capable, able people. People who’ve usually been earning their own crust for many years …
What have you achieved so far?
I want you to focus on your good points, Yes - you have good points! We all have good points. Sometimes they get a bit buried In the hustle and bustle of daily life but they are there and you want to be sure to give them expression as often as you can.
Do you have a mentor or are you re-inventing the wheel?
Now I don’t know if you’re like me, but when I started out on this path, I thought I could do it alone.
I’d got the qualifications - I worked really hard! - to get high grades so I could feel confident that I knew what I was talking about and like with so many dog training programs, I learnt loads about how to train a dog.
“I don’t know what else I can do”
You aren’t stuck! You need to know - and recognise! - that you have choices in life and it’s up to you to take them, so that you can do whatever you want to do, and map out your future with courage and faith.
Where’s the best place for learning? School? Or … here and now!
I am eternally curious. Think of the 4 year old child who drives everyone mad with endless WHYs. whywhywhy, but Mummy WHY? And somehow I never grew out of that! Whywhywhy is a constant cry of mine.
If I weren't afraid, what would I do?
So - following from my thoughts last week about comparisonitis, and feelings of insufficiency - FEAR - my question for you to ask yourself is:
If I weren't afraid, what would I do?
You know more than you imagine!
I was talking recently about the need to trust ourselves more we really do know a lot more than we think. We’re a lot further on than we think we may feel stuck and think we know nothing but how true is that? Really? Do you know nothing? have you taken no steps at all to pursue your vocation?
Practice makes perfect - are you sure?
Practice makes Perfect
BUT in fact that’s a nonsense!
If you’re practising the wrong thing, it will be “Practice makes Imperfect”.
If you’re practising badly, it’ll be “Practice makes Worse”.
It’s all to do with what you’re actually DOING, rather than how much you do it!
What do you want? Well, what DON’T you want?
Finding out what you really want in life can be very hard - especially if you’ve spent your life up to now doing what others wanted, dictated, and chose for you!
So how can you find out for sure what you really want?
Change takes time
We’re always in such a hurry!
Busy busy busy - rushing from here to there, Racing from pillar to post.
Sometimes you meet yourself coming back!
And we expect everything to happen immediately.
Recently I was talking to you about thinking things into existence. And that’s true - nothing happens unless we think it first!
Don’t believe everything you think!
Because your brain is lying!
Listen to what it’s saying and scrutinise the statement before swallowing it whole.
Life is a perfect adventure!
I’d like you to look at life a little differently.
Life is not a game to be won or lost!
It just is.
All you have to do is live it.
Life is truly a marvel, and you will miss out on so much if you spend your time trying to control what happens.