How would you like to feel triumphant?

I sure would! and I’m happy to say that I often do.

No, it’s not because I’m too big for my boots! And it’s not because I’m a genius - there are not too many of them, and I’m certainly not amongst their number! But I set myself tasks.

Tasks that are within my ability. Then I go for them.

I’ve spent years dithering years thinking, “I’d like to do that, but …” then simply not doing it. But I discovered - great discovery this! - that if I only STARTED the thing, there was a high likelihood of it being accomplished.


Just starting it.

That is often enough for it to happen. Cos if you don’t start it - well, it’s never going to happen, is it? that makes sense, right? It’s all about getting started.


• If you stare at a blank page, you’ll have nothing to edit.

• If you gaze at a blank spreadsheet, you’ll have no data to work with.

• If you look at your empty social page hesitant to post anything, you’re not going to get any followers.

• If you don’t put yourself out there, you’re going to have an empty calendar.


We’re very good at contemplating our navels! We’re very good at saying, “I could be REALLY good at this. This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to be SO GOOD at it!” and then doing nothing.

This can be your plan to lose a few pounds, or your plan to get out and about more.

It can be working towards a promotion at work, completing a course of study, writing that book! - OR - getting your business off the ground!

I speak to a lot of people who say, “this is what I’ve wanted to do for 10 years. I’m not waiting any longer. This is my year - by the end of this year I will be earning thousands a month!”

Great, say I. When are you starting? “We-e-e-ll, I’ve just got to do this or that first then I’ll start.”

Guess what? We won’t be seeing much change there! That person won’t be earning thousands a month from their passion project by the end of this or any other year. They’re unable to get out of first gear!

It’s when you can actually put legs on your ideas, get your plans into action, that’s when things happen.

So how are you going to get your fantastic idea out into the universe? How are you actually going to get it started?

Check in here next week and find my no.1 recipe for transforming your productivity! and meanwhile, be sure to join us in Creativity Central where we give the answers to these type of questions all the time!



How to actually get things done


Still being held up?