Why do they have goalposts on a football pitch
Imagine how the game would go if there weren’t any!
22 people, running about aimlessly, kicking a ball here or there. Nothing happening. No drama. No joy. No regret.
Just running about kicking a ball.
The REAL Reason People Stay In The Wrong Job For Decades (And What Can Be Done About It)
Like all of us - I made mistakes in my life, whether getting in with the wrong crowd, pursuing the wrong goals, or just not having any direction at all! When I think of what my poor parents had to put up with … 😢
Which hormones should we focus on?
We live in a time of unprecedented knowledge about, and care for, our health.
And after centuries of considering women a poor copy of men, the health professional world now sees women as separate entities with a totally different make-up!
You've learned EVERYTHING ... so why isn't it working?
You have everything in place. Really, you do.
You KNOW what you want to do with your life … you just don’t seem to be able to kickstart it into action. Doubts and other things are always getting in the way.