Which hormones should we focus on?

Which hormones should we focus on

We live in a time of unprecedented knowledge about, and care for, our health. And after centuries of considering women a poor copy of men, the health professional world now sees women as separate entities with a totally different make-up! 

And with this learning has come a lot of awareness about the role hormones play in the body.

For women over 40 most emphasis is placed on sex hormones and their decline. Pills, potions, and injections are administered to replace or boost those hormones and keep us in a state of suspended animation, unwilling to grow “old”.

For “old” read “experienced, knowledgeable, and wise”!


BUT it’s stress hormones and their increase that we really have to pay attention to!

We live in a fast-paced world with daily challenges - many of them entirely new to mankind, not just us. Not understanding how to navigate this world can lead to anxiety and a feeling of helplessness.

But we need to remember that we can only control our response to situations. We cannot control the situations themselves!

King Canute way back in the 11th Century wisely demonstrated this to his court when he sat on the beach and commanded the tide to turn.

Getting anxious about the tide doing its thing is not going to have any effect on the tide, but may have a big effect on us in our efforts to change it!

Stress triggers the release of cortisol in the body (dog trainers know a fair bit about this hormone - it’s the “fight or flight” one). Among other things, cortisol can cause weight gain - probably the last thing most of us need if we’re already anxious.

I’m no doctor, but this I know:

What you focus on is what you get.


And if your focus is on doom, gloom, disaster, and decline; on medical testing, physical checkups and alarmist media stories designed to cause panic and anxiety; these will all keep your body separate from your mind and soul, and cause a spike in those hormones we don’t want to flood our systems on a daily basis!

Keep your focus on what you can do, and keep your anxieties at bay.

If you’re suffering from a clinical condition brought on by stress, then you should definitely be availing of the services there to help you.

But if you know what you want to do, and are not yet quite clear on how to map out your life, then a chat with me could kickstart you into vibrant action!


ASK, and it just may be given to you!


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