Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

The Road map!

Are you looking right now at a list with YARDS of to-do’s?

If that’s you, you’ll be familiar with the sinking feeling you get whenever you look at it! You’ll know what this scrappy bit of paper looks like and you HATE it!

It just seems to grow and grow and get messier and messier and never, never does very much get ticked off.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Who do you aspire to be?

Have you got role models?

By that I mean people whose success and achievements you admire and want to mimic?

This is great! BUT the key is that you’re following the RIGHT people for the RIGHT reasons!

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Apple Apple

Doing what you love, all day long

Isn’t that what we all yearn for? To be able to do what we love, all day long?

I guess it’s the reason so many people look forward to retirement - so they can leave the hateful or boring day job and enjoy endless gardening, or travelling, or reading, or …

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