Who do you aspire to be?

Have you got role models? by that I mean people whose success and achievements you admire and want to mimic? 

This is great! BUT the key is that you’re following the RIGHT people for the RIGHT reasons! 

We all grow up admiring someone. Someone who’s bigger, better, more knowledgeable than us. Perhaps our parents, a teacher, the boy next door .. 

But often it would be a film or pop star, specially for girls! Perhaps a pop star or a sportsman is more likely for boys. Someone who’s leveraged their charm, gifts, good looks, and star quality, to become famous.

Hmm… That never worked for me!

I could admire them as much as I liked, but it was never going to give me good looks, a wonderful figure, the ability to capture an audience … 

As I grew up, I realised there were better people to model. People who - like me - appeared to start with nothing, but who persevered and designed their own life. 

People who were kind and generous. People who made the most of their talents [HINT: the greatest talent of all is the ability to work hard to maximise what you’ve got!]

People I could relate to.

Who to model?

It’s clear that choosing a role model who you can relate to is of prime importance.

I can’t relate to being a mountaineer or financial wizard. So I’m not going to follow in their footsteps. I’m never going to be a pop star, an Olympic athlete, or a business tycoon and I certainly am never going to be a leggy blonde twenty-something Instagram influencer! 

I need to look for models in my own sphere. Great coaches, mentors, trainers, writers, speakers. Great parents, cooks, neighbours. 

What to model?

BUT while I can never be a mountaineer or biz whiz, I CAN admire their physical courage, their fortitude, their dedication, their sticking power.

I can look at what makes them stand out in their field, and I can take that.

I can learn, take courses, read, listen, apply that knowledge and work hard daily - do what they did on their way to greatness for our daily habits are what make our lives. It’s not what we do once in a while, on the odd occasion - it’s what we do EVERY DAY, what we do as our default behaviour. Where we put our attention on a daily basis gradually builds up till it’s US.


What we do in small things is what we do in big things too.


Choose some new role models!


So who do you want to model?

It can still be a parent or friend. Or it can be someone well known in the world for their achievements. The important thing is that there is something you can see in them that YOU can do too! It may be their perseverance, their grittiness, their patience, their deep and overwhelming love of the world and all that’s in it.

Their dedication to improving the lives of those around them - their determination to make the world a better place, by writing, speaking, acting …

Something about them is what you can take.

Something that you can relate to, even if their achievements and speciality are totally different from yours. 

In my Brilliant Family Dog Trainer Business Program I hugely enjoy seeing my clients grow in confidence as they realise they CAN learn from these greats and become great themselves.


What’s holding you back?

Can you see how you may be holding yourself back by copying the WRONG people - for the WRONG reasons? 

Can you see that choosing the RIGHT people to model, so that you can learn just what’s made them great, is the way forward?

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel! If someone has achieved greatness in some way (and being the best Dad on the planet is great too!) then we need to find out what they did - use their experiences to drive our own.

This is where a quick unravelling chat with me can pay such dividends!

Give it a try. It’ll cost you nothing to try, and may cost you the earth to miss …




Look within yourself for your answers!


“I don’t know where to start!”