Are you giving yourself enough?
Are you giving yourself enough?
Enough time? Enough credit? Enough love?
We - especially the females of the species, and even more especially those brought up in a country with a protestant work ethic - seldom give ourselves enough.
What have you achieved so far?
I want you to focus on your good points, Yes - you have good points! We all have good points. Sometimes they get a bit buried In the hustle and bustle of daily life but they are there and you want to be sure to give them expression as often as you can.
Clear the space for Creativity!
I have to confess that I used to sit waiting for inspiration.
I was busy all the time, doing this, doing that … and I expected the muse to appear, tap me on the shoulder, and say, “Excuse me, but were you wanting a shaft of light?”
No one got great at anything by waiting to start practicing it, right?
ld make what I loved doing become the focus of my day (in my case it was that I’d be good at training others to train their dogs) I did what many people do.
What’s stopping you opening your Dog School?
I have a confession to make.
I was interested in training dogs for years.
I competed at a high level with my dogs for years.
I even made up a couple of Champions.
You create a better life by creating a better self-image
Is that True or False?
I floated this question in the my private group Creativity Central recently and got ZERO response.
Now either I worded it too obscurely for it to be understood or nobody agreed with me,Or could see any sense in the statement.