To get better answers, ask better questions!

The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask. You’ll never get the answers you want if you ask the wrong questions!  | FREE GUIDE | LIFECOACH l #literaryfictionbooks #fictionbooks #fictionwriter #lifedirection #lifedirect…

Ever wondered why you seem to end up down the same cul-de-sac of answers every time you ask yourself something?  

If your questions are like these:

❓ Why can’t I get this right?

❓ Will I always be second best?

❓ Why don’t I understand tech?


Then you are pretty well doomed to getting poor answers! Your brain will respond the way it’s being prompted. That’s what brains do! The answers to these questions could be,

Because you’re dumb

Because you’re not good enough

Because you aren’t the right sort of person …

Keep asking yourself questions like this and you’re going to slither down a spiral of self-doubt and questioning, which will get you nowhere fast.


Quality questions


“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”  Tony Robbins


So how about changing the questions you’re asking yourself?

What would elicit a better answer?

How about


❓ What do I need to do to get this right?

❓ How can I achieve more?

❓ Where can I learn what I need from tech?


These questions will prompt real answers!

You need to get a mentor / study / organise your day

Keep trying till you get there - you can do this

Let’s search for programs to learn tech!

You can apply this everywhere in your life to raise your day.

What questions have you been asking yourself that are eliciting the WRONG answers for you?

Instead of looking at the weather forecast saying, “Will it rain today?” how about asking, “When will it be fair?”

Instead of saying, “Why is this product so expensive?” ask, “What great value will I get from purchasing this?”

Can you see that a small change in emphasis can have a huge result in your feeling of wellbeing?

And can you see what questions you habitually ask yourself that you need to change - dramatically? Tell us in the comments what you’re going to change, today!


Come and join us in Creativity Central where we thrash out plenty of issues like this, and come up with answers to make our days sunnier and our lives less stressed.





Life is not all happiness


Believe in yourself and you become irresistible!