What if it doesn’t work? and other unhelpful questions

How about asking “What if it DOES work?” There’s more to questioning yourself than you imagine. Read this post to see how to do this effectively. | FREE GUIDE | www.beverleycourtney.com

Asking questions is an art! Ask the wrong question and you are guaranteed to get the wrong answer?  

To get the answer you want, you must ask better questions!

But what question should you ask? 

Full of self-doubt, I was always asking the wrong questions.

“What if it doesn’t work?”

“What if it all goes wrong?”

“What if they find me out?!”

If you feed questions like this into your brain you’re going to get answers back like this:

“It will all have been a waste of time.”

“They’ll all say ‘I told you so’.”

“You’ll end up sleeping in a ditch.”

Your brain is trying to oblige by giving you the answers to these questions. And then where does it get you?

Are you any further along towards what you want to achieve? Of course not!

So I found that choosing VERY CAREFULLY the right questions made all the difference to how I could move forward.


Look critically at what you’re saying to yourself

Feeding the beast of self-doubt is going to make it bigger and stronger. Your brain wants to keep you safe. Always. Staying where you are appears to be the safest option.

BUT is it the most fulfilling option? No! That’s why you’re here, searching. 

It’s one of the key points in my practice, when I coach people to look critically at their desires and stop beating themselves up over imagined failings.


Start to formulate the questions that will get you the answers you really want 

What would you say to a friend who had ideas and dreams? How would you help your partner to focus on their strengths? Those are the sort of questions you need to ask yourself!

So first think of the answers you want.

“You’re good at this,”

“Of course you can do this!”

“You’ve done so much already,”

“You’ll have a wonderful and fulfilling life.” 

(Sound better already?)

Then work out what questions you need to formulate! These answers are going to need questions like this:

“What are my gifts?”

“Do I have the determination to press on?”

“How often have I done something well in the past?”

“What if it DOES work?!”

Now we’re cooking with gas! 

As a Coach I hugely enjoy seeing the scales fall from my clients’ eyes when they realise just how much they are able to achieve! 


Finding the right questions

Can you see how exciting it can be to ask questions that actually move you forward?

Can you see how your dithering in the past has been because you’ve been asking the WRONG questions?

Remember that many of the voices you hear are those of people or entities who want you to stay exactly where you are:


This could be a big shift for you - moving from thoughts based in fear and failure to thoughts full of joy and expectation!

And I’d love to help you get going - to what you really want in your life. Check out this brief video to see what it could be like to work with me.



Are habits running your life? (And would those be the good habits or the bad ones? 😎 )


Are you always racing to catch up?