An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 1

1. Are you finding it hard to get started? 

I can remember, back in the day when I lived and breathed dog training ALL the time!

I couldn’t get enough! I competed at a high level with my dogs, got loads of rosettes, certificates, titles. I went to every seminar available. I read all the books. I had a pretty high level of knowledge.

I’d done a lot.

I knew how to handle most everyday dog issues and I knew how to get the best out of my relationship with my own beloved dogs! 

I knew I was safe inside my bubble - that I could do what I was confident with with my own dogs … but actually sticking my neck out and telling OTHERS what to do !!! That seemed a lot of steps too far. 

Does this ring true for you?

So when people said  “Why don’t you do this full-time?”

I said … wait for it …

I said “I’m not good enough”.

Is this you? Have you learnt EVERYTHING you need to learn, to help dogs, but you don’t feel ready to take the plunge? 

Now that was me with dogs

For you, it may be … anything else at all! You could be planning a career in childminding or accountancy, or carpentry. 

People who think they’re not good enough are everywhere, in every venture, every project, every business you can imagine - and that feeling doesn’t go away.

Why? Because we CARE! We have integrity.

We want to do the best for people and we’re afraid of taking money and not providing the right service. And the fact that we care so much is a pretty strong indicator that we realise our limitations and won’t go beyond them. We’ll only take on clients we are certain we can help.

(You see, you can always pass on enquiries if you don’t feel ready.)

Are you stuck at this stage?

It’s one of the joys of being a Transition Coach that I can see people casting aside these fears and blossoming in their chosen career!

I’ll tell you what my next step was - next week!


Meanwhile, to get you out of your stuckness, give me a call here.


An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 2


Decision time!