Are you giving someone else power over your thoughts?

It’s YOUR life, and YOUR thoughts

You will never be happy if you are bowing to others’ opinions!

Like you, I was “brung up” to be polite and respectful

I would take others’ opinions most carefully into consideration.

I would cast out great ideas because someone else thought it wouldn’t work! And losing my impetus, my motivation - my drive - was not serving me!

I would harbour a remark made to me - perhaps with little thought - take it dead seriously, and ACTUALLY guide my life by it.



Something had to change if my life was going to be my own and not someone else’s

So I completely changed my tune: I would continue to take others’ opinions most carefully into consideration … take out the bones - and jettison the rest! 

You can still honour your friends and family, listen to what they say, then make your own decisions!

They may have your interests at heart … but usually, they have their own! That’s natural enough.

They may toss off an uninformed remark that you take to heart and it can destroy your peace of mind and your future plans.

How often has this happened to you?

This can even be one of those remarks from childhood, like “You’re useless at maths.” Which you believe for ever and ever, and it stops you doing perfectly straightforward sums and calculations that you are well capable of!

🔎 Look dispassionately at WHO is saying WHAT to you! 

🔎 How qualified are they to advise on what you’re thinking and planning?

🔎 What experience do they actually have - of launching a horse-riding business, selling custom-made shoes, writing for a glossy magazine? 

🔎 And here’s the key: is what they’re saying ACTUALLY TRUE? 😱

🔎 Is it true that all people who attempt this fail? Is it true that you are no good at maths? Is it true that you’ve never succeeded at anything in your life before? 

Take into account that they may have fears that are totally ungrounded. They may be afraid for you.

So who should you listen to?

If you want genuine answers, from someone who has no personal axe to grind, you need to consult someone who has experience in making good decisions and how to do it - it’s a skill!

Someone who can see clearly and give it to you straight, without clouding the issue with their own complications.

As a Coach I hugely enjoy seeing my clients grow in confidence as they become able to discern the genuine advice from the fearful!


Can you see how other people’s ideas can be holding you back from your own BIG IDEA?

Do you see how you have to take all offered advice (especially uninvited advice!) with a pinch of salt?

Remember that much of this advice is not disinterested. People may want you to stay exactly where you are, and not rock the boat!

The fact is that it’s YOUR life and YOUR thoughts - and YOUR plan to execute YOUR big idea.


Did I mention it’s YOUR business?

Let those who would hold you back - even in the guise of protecting you from your folly - find their own path. 

And if you want to make a folly - then it’s YOUR folly! 

This could be a big shift for you - moving from thoughts modelled on what other people say. You may have been toeing the line all your life … Time to break free!

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Change takes time


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