If I weren't afraid, what would I do?

So - following from my thoughts last week about comparisonitis, and feelings of insufficiency - FEAR - my question for you to ask yourself is:

If I weren't afraid, what would I do?

If you were not afraid of things, if you were not afraid of trying,


☺️ Not afraid of falling on your face,

☺️ Not afraid of losing money,

☺️ Not afraid of what people would say,

☺️ Not afraid it would all be a waste of effort,




When you put that question to yourself the answer becomes so obvious!

(This is why I LOVE working as a Transition Coach - watching people realise that they have everything they need to make the change they want - they just have to cast aside their fears.)

Do you get how important this is? Realising that we control our own future by controlling our own fears? 

I’ve given you a BIG strategy to use. It’s deceptively simple, but really powerful! I want you to actually sit down after reading this article and set yourself that question.

If I weren't afraid, what would I do?

And I’d love to hear back from you just what you found out about yourself by posing yourself this question. You don’t have to say it publicly in the comments - you can just message me privately. I really would love to know what fears you’re casting aside! And how clear your path became as soon as you decided to do that!

But it doesn’t mean that from now on you have to rely only on yourself, and never get guidance from anyone else! In fact, realising you need the guidance is one of those answers you may find in yourself! That you have the will, the ideas, the get-up-and-go - you just need to know the steps to take (and importantly, what order to take them in!).

You may have uncovered a new direction by blitzing that fear and it’s a direction you’ve never considered before! WOW! Exciting! And now you’ve found another fear!

That you don’t know how to move forward.

I get it! People like us - people with great intentions - often need a bit of a push to get started. We can get so bound up in our thoughts, so concerned that we’ll never be able to do it all, that we are in danger of doing nothing at all! and while it’s we ourselves who have to make the decisions, you can be enormously helped by having a mentor.

✔️ Someone who’s been there already

✔️ Someone who understands

✔️ Someone who knows about unfounded fears and how to break through them!


Give me a try!




Where’s the best place for learning? School? Or … here and now!


You know more than you imagine!