What is perfectionism, really?
Have you ever made something, looked at critically and then said, “Nah, not good enough … I just need to change this, Adjust that … re-do this bit …?
Is that you?
If so, you can say, “I am a recovering perfectionist!”
If I weren't afraid, what would I do?
So - following from my thoughts last week about comparisonitis, and feelings of insufficiency - FEAR - my question for you to ask yourself is:
If I weren't afraid, what would I do?
What’s the hold-up?
Nothing ever stands still and - as the saying goes nature abhors a vacuum. So if a gap in the market appears the canny folk have been quick to jump in.
Like all the companies who made hay when the pandemic hit, like online conferencing and the like - an essential and much-needed service!
Are habits running your life? (And would those be the good habits or the bad ones? 😎 )
Our daily habits make our life what it is. What we can achieve every day is entirely down to how we spend our time. And that’s often governed by habit!
Are you always racing to catch up?
As a busy friend of mine once put it, talking about running her farm and her young family, “Some days I meet myself coming back!”
Which hormones should we focus on?
We live in a time of unprecedented knowledge about, and care for, our health.
And after centuries of considering women a poor copy of men, the health professional world now sees women as separate entities with a totally different make-up!
Self-confidence - how do you get it?
What they’re saying is that the men seem to have the self-confidence that they feel they’re lacking. The men’s ideas are considered more important.
Now, this is not a man-bashing session - far from it. We all have to work or live with people of both sexes. So we need to learn a bit about what makes them tick!