Look within yourself for your answers!

People are always looking for answers. They trawl the internet; they blitz Youtube; they email people … they ask and ask.

They think they need resources.

But in fact what they need are answers. And here’s the sad thing - they don’t trust themselves enough to know that they already have the answers!

Now I can confess freely that that used to be me! I had been firmly and squarely educated to believe that I was not good enough. I was taking up space on this planet and not giving anything back.

I had to keep my place, keep my head down, not rock the boat!

I felt sure I had nothing to offer - so I’d better pipe down. But as the years rolled by I found out the things I was good at, and I discovered that I did have worth. That there were things that ONLY I COULD DO!

Now that was a revelation, I can tell you! I found my own voice and once I found it, I discovered a layer of confidence I never knew I had.

I didn’t have to defer to everyone else.

I didn’t have to keep my own thoughts to myself, only speak when spoken to, not put forward my original ideas.

Don’t be backward in coming forward!

You see, you can ask and ask and ask. You can seek help all over the place. You can study, get qualifications, work with mentors - but when it comes down to it YOU have the answers!

This maybe makes no sense to you.

I understand that we’re brought up to defer to our elders and betters. Many of us are educated to believe we have little worth. We think that greatness is for others - not for us.

And that when it comes down to it we’re simply not good enough. So we retreat into our shells, do some more study, stay where we are, do what others tell us, and think we have no answers ourselves.

But the fact is that you have many more answers than you realise!

A few of my students and clients have said to me that when they’re stuck and they really have no idea what to do, instead of looking for the answer outside themselves they say, “What would Beverley do?” (flattering for me, I know!) and lo and behold the answer pops into their head!

You see, they had the answer all along!

They just didn’t have the confidence to access it.

So how do you feel about giving yourself more belief? Giving yourself permission to find those answers without having to go through all the turmoil of trying to find a way by asking others, researching, studying, not venturing out into the world with your undoubted gifts?

Because if we stay locked in our shells, who is going to benefit?

Not us.

Not our nearest and dearest.

Not the people you’d love to reach out to.


So, what to do?

So here’s what I want you to do next time you’re thinking, “I don’t know what to do”


If you like, you can imagine yourself asking me or any mentor or expert you know who is likely to know. Open up your mind: believe in yourself, and ask yourself “What will I do?”

Now sit back and wait for the answers to roll in! And trust those answers when they arrive - that is key. Act on your own instinct. Do it and if it all goes pear-shaped, then remember that you have still moved forward.

You have learnt that whatever we do, we either get the result we want or the lesson we need to learn.

It’s that simple! Really!

Still floundering, unsure of the way forward?

Flounder no more! Have a quick unfloundering chat with me here - I’d love to get you thinking straight!


Just how flexible are you?


Who do you aspire to be?