Are you always racing to catch up?
As a busy friend of mine once put it, talking about running her farm and her young family, “Some days I meet myself coming back!”
Stop saying YES to everyone!
What I’d like you to look at today is what we can control, and what we can’t.
And how to tell the difference!
ASK, and it just may be given to you!
What I’d like you to look at today is what we can control, and what we can’t.
And how to tell the difference
Which hormones should we focus on?
We live in a time of unprecedented knowledge about, and care for, our health.
And after centuries of considering women a poor copy of men, the health professional world now sees women as separate entities with a totally different make-up!
Is self-care selfish?
Do you find yourself always putting others first?
This m-a-a-a-y not be quite what was intended when you were brought up to be kind and thoughtful.
Being kind and thoughtful is ACE! Of course! We all want to make the world a better place for us being in it.
How can I make the best use of what I already know for my new career?
Worried about how to make your new career a success when there’s so much to learn?
And are you worried that you’ll waste the time and money you invested in your prior learning? It cost a lot to learn your previous subject, and you don’t want to think it will all be lost.
Working from home, the good and the not-so-good
According to a recent YouGov poll - YouGov is a British data analytics company - 57% of British workers want to be able to work from home after the pandemic.
You've learned EVERYTHING ... so why isn't it working?
You have everything in place. Really, you do.
You KNOW what you want to do with your life … you just don’t seem to be able to kickstart it into action. Doubts and other things are always getting in the way.