Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

You create a better life by creating a better self-image

Is that True or False?

I floated this question in the my private group Creativity Central recently and got ZERO response.

Now either I worded it too obscurely for it to be understood or nobody agreed with me,Or could see any sense in the statement.

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Apple Apple

What do you really enjoy?

Today I want you to focus on your good points

Yes - you have good points!

We all have good points. Sometimes they get a bit buried in the hustle and bustle of daily life but they are there and you want to be sure to give them expression as often as you can.

It’s your good points that make you of value to the world.

I’m often told by people who feel lost that they have nothing to offer, Nothing to give.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

So what should you expect instead?

We were looking at the kind of nonsense we take seriously when we’re deciding to follow our passion.

Thoughts of insufficiency, and worse - implied criticism or disrespect from those who should be supporting us!

So what should we be saying instead of “I’m a failure”?

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

What habits are getting in your way?

We all have habits.

Most of what we do every day is habit-driven. It makes sense! If you had to stop and make decisions about everything all day long you’d be exhausted by lunchtime!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

Problems? Or Opportunities?

Do you see things as PROBLEMS?


You see - they’re the same thing! And it’s all in the way you look at it

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

What is perfectionism, really?

Have you ever made something, looked at critically and then said, “Nah, not good enough … I just need to change this, Adjust that … re-do this bit …?

Is that you? 

If so, you can say, “I am a recovering perfectionist!”

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

The Road map!

Are you looking right now at a list with YARDS of to-do’s?

If that’s you, you’ll be familiar with the sinking feeling you get whenever you look at it! You’ll know what this scrappy bit of paper looks like and you HATE it!

It just seems to grow and grow and get messier and messier and never, never does very much get ticked off.

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

It’s all too much, I’m overwhelmed!

I was talking to someone recently who told me they had LOADS of ideas. They had even started to work out a plan to get them where they wanted to be but they would start the day all enthusiastic then come down with a crash when they realised they didn’t know what to do!

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